▸ Scientist Award of the Month (Oct. 13, 2008, Korean Government)
▸ KIST Award of Month (Aug. 8, 2008, KIST)
▸ Kyunhang Electricity and Energy Award (Oct. 8, 2008, Korean Government)
▸ Best KIST Award (Feb. 10, 2009, KIST)
▸ Dupont Science and Technology Award (May 27, 2010, Dupont Korea)
▸ SKKU Fellowship (Feb. 26, 2013, SKKU)
▸ 100 National Outstanding Awards (Aug. 28, 2013, Korean Government)
▸ MRS Outstanding Research Award (Apr. 24, 2014, MRS, USA)
▸ WCPEC-6 Paper Award (Nov. 27, 2014, Kyoto, Japan)
▸ Hamakawa Award of PVSEC (Nov. 16, 2015, Busan, Korea)
▸ Dukmyung KAST Engineering Award (Nov. 28, 2016, KAST)
▸ Outstanding Paper Award (July 13, 2017, Nano Convergence, Springer Nature)
▸ Citation Laureates (September 20, 2017, Clarivate Analytics)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November 15, 2017, Clarivate Analytics)
▸ SKKU Fellowship (Feb. 22, 2018, SKKU)
▸ ACS-KCS Excellence Award (April 19, 2018, American Chemical Society)
▸ Lee Hsun Lecture Award (April 27, 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
▸ Ho-Am Prize (June 1, 2018, Ho-Am Foundation)
▸ Prime Minister Award (July 11, 2018, No. 6912)
▸ Science Minister Award (July 18, 2018, No. 25595)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November 27, 2018 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ Scientist award of the year selected by journalists (November 29, 2018)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November 19 , 2019 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ SKKU Fellowship (Feb. 16, 2020, SKKU)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November 19 , 2020 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ 2022 Rank prize in optoelectronics (September 29, 2021, Rank Prize)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November , 2021 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November , 2022 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ Highly Cited Researchers (November , 2023 Clarivate Analytics)
▸ 2024 대한민국최고과학기술인상 수상